Many of our bags come in many different college colors. Our collegiate colors are (if you don't know a college's colors, you can click here to find it):
- Black and Gold
* Alabama State U
* Bowie State U
* U. Central Florida
* U. of Iowa (use with white lettering)
* U. of Maryland (use with red lettering)
* Purdue U (use with white lettering)
* Randolph-Macon Woman's College (use with white lettering)
* Vanderbilt U (use with white lettering)
* Virginia Commonwealth U.
* Wake Forest U. (use with white lettering) - Burgundy and Yellow/Gold
* Florida State U (Use with white lettering) - Green and White
* Baylor U (use with gold lettering)
* George Mason U. (use with gold lettering)
* Hollins U (use with gold lettering)
* Loyola College (Use with gray or white lettering)
* Michigan State U
* U. of Orego (use with yellow lettering)
* Wagner College
* William and Mary (use with gold/yellow lettering)
* York College of Pennsylvania - Maroon and White
* Arizona State U
* Boston College (use with gold lettering)
* Central Michigan (use with gold lettering)
* College of Charleston (use with gold lettering)
* U. of Chicago
* Colgate U (use with gray lettering)
* Elon U (use with gold lettering)
* Fordham U.
* Harvard U (use with black lettering)
* Lafayette College (use with black lettering)
* U. of Massachusetts Amherst
* Ohio State U (use with gray lettering)
* U. of Pennsylvania (use with blue lettering)
* U. of Richmond (use with blue lettering)
* Roanoke College (use with gray lettering)
* U. of South Carolina (use black lettering)
* Stanford U.
* Swarthmore College (use with gray lettering)
* Vassar College (use with gray lettering)
* Virginia Tech (use with orange lettering) - Maroon and Black
* Lafayette College (Use with White lettering)
* Washington College, MD (use with white lettering) - Navy and White
* Boise State U (use with Light blue lettering)
* Bringham Young U
* U. Of Conneticut
* Georgetown U. (Use with Gray lettering)
* Mary Washington College (use with gray lettering)
* U. of NOtre Dame (Use with gold lettering)
* Old Dominion U (use with silver lettering)
* Quinnipiac U (use with gold lettering)
* U. of Richmond (use with red lettering) - Orange and White
* Auburn U (use with navy lettering)
* Clemson U (use with purple lettering)
* Oregon State U (Use with black lettering)
* Princeton U (use with black lettering)
* U. of Virginia (use with blue lettering) - Purple and Gold
* East Carolina U
* James Madison U (use with white lettering)
* Louisiana State U. (use with white lettering) - Red and Black
* Catholic U of America (DC) (Use with white lettering)
* Davidson College
* Fairfield U (use with white lettering)
* U. of Georgia (Use with white lettering)
* U. of Maryland (use with gold or black lettering)
* Northeastern U (use with white lettering) - Red and White
* Boston U
* U. of Arkansas
* American U (use with Blue lettering)
* Catholic U of America (Use with black lettering)
* Cornell U
* Denison U
* North Carolina State
* Radford U.
* Rutgers of New Jersey (use black lettering) - Royal Blue and Orange
* U. of Florida
* Syracuse U.
* U. of Virginia (use with white lettering) - Royal Blue and White
* Barnard College
* Bucknell U
* Butler U
* Christopher Newport U. (Use with Silver lettering)
* Columbia U
* U. of Delaware (use with gold lettering)
* Duke U.
* Ithaca College (use with gold lettering)
* Johns Hopkins U (use with gray lettering)
* U. of Kansas (use with red lettering)
* U. of Kentucky
* Marymount U in VA (use with green lettering)
* U. of North Carolina Chapel Hill
* Penn State U.
* Washington and Lee U. (use with gray lettering)
* West Virginia University (use with gold lettering)
* Xavier U. (use with gray lettering)
* Yale U. - Tile Blue and Navy/White
* Citadel
* U. of Maine - Black and White
* Mary Baldwin College (use with yellow lettering)
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